The INTERACT Research Unit and Information Studies unit, at the University of Oulu, are conducting an AI Youth Ambassadorship program from June 5th till June 16th at the BusinessAsema FabLab and University of Oulu, with 12 student summer wokers. 

In this program, students are introduced to Generative AI, Emotional AI, Critical Data Literacy, Sustainable AI, and AI in Social Media, focusing on how AI impacts their everyday lives. They also work with digital fabrication technologies in the BusinesAsema FabLab. Working in small teams, they will create content and materials for sharing information on AI and its impact on the youth - such as themselves, their friends, and their peers. They maintain active social media accounts (including Insta: @aiambassadors) about their work during these two weeks. 

For the next academic year, as AI Youth Ambassadors, students will conduct one event, like a presentation or performance, at their school to share their learning about AI's impact on youth.

The program is related to several ongoing projects at the INTERACT Research Unit and Information Studies unit:

This program is also a part of the Special Interest Group on Children and AI at FCAI (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence) and the AI-Educate initiative by Women in AI in Finland. Outcomes of the program were presented at AI day 2023 at Aalto, Helsinki (poster).