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Interact Publication Series: INTERACT
INTERACT is a scientific publication series publishing research studies and reports within the field of human-computer interaction, usability, user experience, user-centered design, participatory design, and other human-centered topics related to the design, development and use of digital products, information systems and services. The publications are published electronically with author permission in INTERACT website. In addition, the publications are published through Oulu University Jultika repository. The authors of the publications in INTERACT publication series retain their copyright, but are encouraged to release their publication under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
You can access the Interact Publication Series from this link.
Transdisciplinary Research Center
INTERACT research group has strong background in multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research, combining perspectives from both humanistic and information technology oriented disciplines and we have established a transdiscplinary research center to support the efforts in University of Oulu
Research methodology
Our group relies mainly on qualitative, participatory, and constructive research approaches; in many cases developing novel pilot IT-based services and applications and experimenting with them in the field has an important role in research. In many studies we employ nexus analysis as our research strategy and are interested in further development of it.
Workshop organizing
Future-oriented research: A long-term workshop series on Researchers' Toolbox for the Future
Computational empowerment: Workshop in Interaction Design and Children conference 2025
Research Projects
Ongoing and past projects in our research group