I am a postdoc researcher in Human Computer Interation (HCI) with a focus on empowerment, inclusion, and accessibility using emerging and interactive technologies for and with children and underserved user groups. During my PhD research, I worked on gesture-based interaction for neurodiverse children (children with autism) and collaborative language learning approaches for children from low socio-economic backgrounds in New Delhi, India (PhD thesis).
I have worked with children in Finland, India, Japan, and the USA conducting Critical AI Literacy workshops where children use various tools (like Teachable Machine, ChatGPT), discuss the impact of AI on themselves and on society with an emphasis on fairness and human agency and oversight in algorithmic decision-making, and envision future schools. This work was part of the PAIZ project (project webpage) funded by the Research Council of Finland (Sep 2021- Aug 2024). I have also worked with children in Oulu exploring future technologies to reduce bullying in schools (in the MAD project).
I am interested in diversifying design futuring through projects with children and workshops with adults - through the Researchers' toolbox of the future workshop and seminar series, and creating diverse approaches for deisgning for the future (please see alt.CHI 2021 paper and alt.CHI 2022 paper and presentation).
Please email me (firstname.lastname(at)oulu.fi) if you'd like to know more about my work or to collaborate!
For a complete list of publications, please see GoogleScholar.
For work experience, please see LinkedIn.