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Student Projects

Vrushikha Bhansali
Design, MIT Institute of Design

Social Media and children

Summer Internship | June 2022 - July 2022​

A qualitative study exploring social media experiences of young children through interviews with children and their parents.

Cyrus Monteiro
B.Tech Computer Science and Design, IIIT-Delhi

Robots in the Classroom

Independent Project | Aug 2022 - Dec 2022​

An explorative study with the Nao v6 robot at an Indian public school where students leanred how to (block) programm the Nao V6 robot - trying out various movements and postures.

Prakhar Bhargava
B.Tech Computer Science and Design, IIIT-Delhi

Robots in the Classroom

Independent Project | Aug 2022 - Dec 2022​

An explorative study with the Nao v6 robot at an Indian public school where students leanred how to (block) programm the Nao V6 robot - trying out various movements and postures.

Ramyanee Kashyap
M.Tech CSE, IIIT-Delhi

AI Literacy for K-12

Independent Project | May 2022 - Jul 2022​

Research and development of AI literacy toolkits for K-12. Exploring HCI for children- how familiarity with AI differs in children from different SES backgrounds and countries. Developing toolkits to help children interact and understand AI.

Sushmita Vavilala
B.Tech Computer Science and Design, IIIT-Delhi

Participatory AI with School Children

Independent Project | Jan 2022 - May 2022

Assistance with conducting participatory workshops with children in Finland and India by designing workshop materials and analyzing workshop data.

Ananya Jain
B.Tech Computer Science and Design, IIIT-Delhi

Literature Review on AI fairness in School Children

Independent Project | August 2021 - Dec 2021

Research biases inculcated in school kids through the use of AI technology as part of the PAIZ project. Exploring ideas of fairness in AI in children- how familiarity with AI differs in children from different backgrounds and countries.