Introduction to laser cutter

In this 10 hours workshop participants will learn how to use 2D software in order to create their own lantern and how to personalize that design. They will also learn how to use the laser cutter to cut their designs. Participants will understand how specific settings of the laser cutter and different materials affect the results. This workshop is a nice introduction to the laser cutter, since participants will go through different settings in a practical way.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understanding what is digital fabrication and what is maker culture.
  • Participant can enumerate main digital fabrication processes in Fab Lab, and what are they use for.
  • Participants go throgh a whole digital fabrication engineering design cycle: research the problem, ideation, design, fabrication and reflection
  • Understand how a work can be evaluated using a reflection.
  • Learn how to use a software vector graphics tool to build their 3D design.
  • Learn steps of a creative processes to obtain 3D tangible object.
  • Learn how to prepare a file to make it with the laser cutter.
  • Get acquainted with laser cutting, understanding its possibilities and limitations.


    None. Would be benefitial if participant have basics computer user skills and if participant has participated in vinyl cutting workshop.

    Benefits of workshop:

    Digital fabrication is a set of versatile processes that help to develop multiple transversal skills: digital literacies, design thinking, problem solving, quick prototyping, communication skills... All those skills are very well considered for employers, specially those related with ICT.

    What will be fabricated

    A lantern with a customized design.


    Workshop poster Workshop slides (ppt)