Juttunurkka (in English Chat Corner) is a mobile app, which tries to improve the general atmosphere of a class or a group. 

Juttunurkka official logo

The app has two target user groups, teachers and students, for whom there are different functionalities: Teachers create questionnaires for the students to answer by choosing the preferred alternative, set by the teacher. The questionnaires have two parts: answering questions with emojis, such as "how are you feeling today" and voting for a common activity, f. e.x. reading a book. 

The app has been developed for elementary school students, including children who aren´t able to read yet, but in the future the idea is to also include other user groups such as high-school students, or even adults. The app is currently available only in Finnish. 

The idea of the app bases loosely on anti-bullying ideas developed by children who participated in MAD project during 2020-2021. The initial version of the app was created by Bachelor students in Information Processing Science at the University of Oulu in the autumn of 2021 as their Bachelor´s project, and it was further developed by a second student project group during the spring of 2022. User tests for the application have been done during the 2022 project and by a master´s degree course project in 2023. 

Screenshots from the current version of the app: 

Juttunurkka app starting pageOpettajanhuone page of Juttunurkka appMitä kuuluu tänään? page of Juttunurkka appMitä haluat tehdä? page of Juttunurkka app

The application has been implemented following the principles of open-source code and is still in early development. Note that the current version of the application is not ready for publication.

The application can be found on the INTERACT GitHub and all other material from previous student projects can be provided upon request.  

Juttunurkka application in GitHub.