My research revolves around the themes of participation, urban technological transformation, and design theory. Currently, I am leading the Academy of Finland funded postdoctoral project “Experiencing Artificial Intelligence in the Smart City: Co-creating applications for urban life (AICity)”. The core mission of this project is to identify and investigate the phenomenon of ”urban AI” as an interdisciplinary area of research and design.

Along with the current and near future digital transformation of cities, I am deeply interested in the connections between the design disciplines. I strive to find relevant theories, methods and practices that would benefit design both as a fundamental human endeavor as well as a professional discipline. One important aspect of this work is the development and application of co-design methods and theory.

My works have been published in leading international scientific books and journals published by SAGE, Routledge and Springer, and in leading scientific conference proceedings, such as the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems and the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems.